"Als Kind ist jeder ein Künstler.
Die Schwierigkeit liegt darin,
als Erwachsener einer zu bleiben."
(Pablo Picasso)
Save the date: It's going to be "wild" again
Secure your place now for our popular wine and game pairing!
As a little foretaste, we'll reveal a few ingredients here:
Roe, wild broccoli, rabbit, deer, wild shrimp, wild pigeon, chamois, wild fennel, and much more...
7 small "game" delicacies perfectly combined with 7 matching wines including one or two surprises.
When: October 25th & 26th, 2024
Where: Heurigenlokal Ecker-Eckhof
How much: € 98 per person
Start on time: 6.30 p.m.
Reservations at: weingut@eckhof.at
We look forward to seeing you!